Out of all the languages to learn, why choose Greek? Besides its rich culture and popularized cuisine, there is more to the language than meets the eye. Have you ever wanted to introduce your child to a language beyond the reason of practicality? In other words, do you want a language that can transcend your child’s view on history, literature, philosophy, and much more? Studying Greek has all these advantages! If you would like more detail, here are the benefits your child will gain from learning Greek. A Greater Understanding of Ancient History One of the most interesting pieces of history begins in Ancient Greece. While learning Greek, your teen could be introduced to time periods beyond American history. Much of this isn’t actually taught in detail because of a lot of these texts are written in Greek. An example of a text could be Thucydides’ “History of the Peloponnesian War.” It is a significant time in history that is usually brushed upon in today’s history classes. This could be a great opportunity to show how history and language come hand in hand. Your child could also develop a love for the subject and thus turn to a career in the field of archeology or history. Learn About Key Philosophers and Literature Much of the world’s most renown literature comes from Ancient Greece. If you’re hoping to initiate an interest in reading, learning Greek could help. Most teens enjoy the world of mythology and one of the most popular book franchises stem from that topic; Percy Jackson & The Olympians. Aside from modern fiction, your teenager could learn the classics such as the Odyssey and Illiad. But how can learning about the great philosophers such as Socrates and Plato have any benefits? As your son/daughter goes to college, the goal is expand their thinking. Learning Greek could be a great way to start that expansion early. Appreciating More Cultural Aspects Besides literature and history, Greek culture extends to much more. One of this includes ancient Greek art. Their art or “arete” extends from learning about mythology to the fundamentals of sculpture. Your kid’s interest in Greek can expand to going to museums that showcase Greek art and architecture. A few of them include the MoMA, the Brooklyn Museum, and the Onassis Cultural Center here in NYC. Another big cultural aspect is Greek food. There is a ton of cuisine that can explored. The best part? Your teen could learn the best authentic restaurant’s in town, while having extensive knowledge about the menu. Improves English Grammar and Literacy Did you know that Greek is also a foundation for modern languages? Yes, that also includes English! According to research, more than 50% of English words come from Greek. Students who study Greek, also have a better understanding of English though identifying “root words.” This means they understand the origin of the word by breaking it down in smaller meanings. For example, the word “anthropomorphism” is broken down into “anthropos” and “morphe” which means “man” and “form.” It can help understand vocabulary that your child may initially not know the meaning of. Absorbing A Second Language Much Easier You might be aware that Latin is known as the “mother” of Romance Languages; but Greek is as well! In fact, Greek was involved in many of the modern languages such as Italian, French, and Spanish. These languages also have similar “root words” and follow the principles of grammar. If your child enters college with a foundation of Greek, their language requirement will be a breeze! Training the Brain to Think More Logically Studies have shown that learning Greek is a way to sharpen your mind. The language is similar to figuring out a new system. It is built on associating words with memorizing patterns and forming words with a “formula.” This helps develop critical thinking skills, through training the brain to think more systematically. Thus, Greek encourages you to think more logically. It is truly a language that develops both the creative and cognitive part of your brain. Initiating Careers in STEM, Law, and Government The origin of careers in science, law, and government actually begin in Ancient Greece. If your son/daughter has an interest in any of these fields, having Greek on their resume will benefit greatly. Much of the terminology used today is from the Greek language. Your teenager could learn how these careers even began thanks to the contribution of Ancient Greece. They were the first civilization to actually study medicine, establish a sense of government, and write laws. Why not study a language that is the principle to what all of us study presently? Traveling to Greece With Ease An added bonus to all this, comes down to the benefit of traveling to Greece. In a country where the language is known to locals only, imagine being able to get around easily? Your child’s dream to travel to Greece will be much more enjoyable! He/she can get the insight of the country’s hidden delicacies and lifestyle. It will transform their trip from a tourist to a Greek civilian. As you can see, Greek is beyond just an ancient language. It expands from learning about culture to career development. In addition to, becoming a more worldly individual. What other language has a rich sense if history and culture all in one? You can open your teen’s eyes to a whole different world, while also changing their perspective in a positive way. Who knows if they might become the next great philosopher, poet, or even doctor.
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AuthorAlessandra Lanno considers herself both an avid reader and writer. Born and raised in Archives
June 2021